richard courant in a sentence
- Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins s " 縌u?son las matem醫icas?
- Grad did his doctoral work under Richard Courant and graduated in 1948.
- At G鰐tingen Jordan became an assistant first to mathematician Richard Courant and then to physicist Max Born.
- At G鰐tingen, Richard Courant had taken Schr鰀inger s wave mechanics formulation, both put forward in 1925!
- With Richard Courant's assistance he spent a year at St John's College, Cambridge.
- It's difficult to find richard courant in a sentence.
- During World War II, he was a member of the Applied Mathematics Panel, headed by Richard Courant.
- In this kind of generative academic influence, he can be compared to his father, the mathematician Richard Courant.
- Roland produced and directed films for the American Mathematics Society on two outstanding mathematicians : Marsden Morse and Richard Courant.
- In 1964 he edited the new edition of the classic textbook on function theory by Adolf Hurwitz and Richard Courant.
- Most of the luminaries, including Richard Courant and Carl Ludwig Siegel, had been driven out or left voluntarily before the war.
- From 1922 to 1924, he studied mathematics at the University of G鰐tingen under Richard Courant, Edmund Landau, and Emmy Noether.
- In 1927 Cauer went to work as a research assistant at Richard Courant's Institute of Mathematics at the University of G鰐tingen.
- Hopf spent the year after his doctorate at G鰐tingen, where David Hilbert, Richard Courant, Carl Runge, and Emmy Noether were working.
- Taylor was awarded a Yarrow Research Fellowship which enabled her to remain at G鰐tingen and continue her work on electromagnetic waves with Professor Richard Courant.
- The anti-Jewish hysteria of the time forced many academics to leave their posts, including the director of the Mathematics Institute, Richard Courant.