richard courant in a sentence

  1. Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins s " 縌u?son las matem醫icas?
  2. Grad did his doctoral work under Richard Courant and graduated in 1948.
  3. At G鰐tingen Jordan became an assistant first to mathematician Richard Courant and then to physicist Max Born.
  4. At G鰐tingen, Richard Courant had taken Schr鰀inger s wave mechanics formulation, both put forward in 1925!
  5. With Richard Courant's assistance he spent a year at St John's College, Cambridge.
  6. It's difficult to find richard courant in a sentence.
  7. During World War II, he was a member of the Applied Mathematics Panel, headed by Richard Courant.
  8. In this kind of generative academic influence, he can be compared to his father, the mathematician Richard Courant.
  9. Roland produced and directed films for the American Mathematics Society on two outstanding mathematicians : Marsden Morse and Richard Courant.
  10. In 1964 he edited the new edition of the classic textbook on function theory by Adolf Hurwitz and Richard Courant.
  11. Most of the luminaries, including Richard Courant and Carl Ludwig Siegel, had been driven out or left voluntarily before the war.
  12. From 1922 to 1924, he studied mathematics at the University of G鰐tingen under Richard Courant, Edmund Landau, and Emmy Noether.
  13. In 1927 Cauer went to work as a research assistant at Richard Courant's Institute of Mathematics at the University of G鰐tingen.
  14. Hopf spent the year after his doctorate at G鰐tingen, where David Hilbert, Richard Courant, Carl Runge, and Emmy Noether were working.
  15. Taylor was awarded a Yarrow Research Fellowship which enabled her to remain at G鰐tingen and continue her work on electromagnetic waves with Professor Richard Courant.
  16. The anti-Jewish hysteria of the time forced many academics to leave their posts, including the director of the Mathematics Institute, Richard Courant.
  17. More:   1  2  3


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